Friday, September 16, 2011

The dream

So it has been revealed that Tom had a dream nightmare this week involving MT3.  I quote:

Also dreamed that you guys ditched me on the way to the airport for MT3 and then Colin texted me from the terminal to tell me to suck it and where you were going and that I could get the porter to let me in to borrow a racquet if I wanted to go hit a ball against the wall someplace. I woke up pissed off and laughing both.

A few things we need to analyze about this dream:
1) Getting left behind from a MT? That DOES sound terrible
2) But come on.... really? Well, he can't really be blamed, because texting someone 'Suck it' is totally something Colin would do.

That's it.  Funny dream right?


  1. I forgot to mention: you were zombies.

  2. Very cool read (and idea). Have fun !!

  3. Are you going to post all of the previous trips?

  4. who is this Mystery Blogger?? Or is that also a mystery?
